No, I'm not depressed, and no, I'm not dying. It's just that I was spoiled beyond belief this year, with enough gifts to last a few Christmases. I'm thankful and awestruck simultaneously, which combined spells "awe-ful"........... I guess that's not an accurate description of how I feel. I guess "undeserving" is more accurate.
Here's a list of the highlights:
* iPod video from Mom
*3 pairs of jeans, a sweater, Visoneering book, from Amy
* iTrip from Matt
* Gift Certificate from Sis
* Car from the Barnetts
* New Tires for the car From Toadie
* Home entertainment system (DVD/Surround) from Strap.
* Sweet radio control Jeep from Jenny
* 3hp 21 gallon Air Compressor
3/8 air rachet
Air tool accessories
Goodyear Airhose
Tool Set- pliers, test light, allens, screwdrivers etc etc.
Nose hair trimmer
One million candle power Coleman Spotlight
new undershirts/socks
-All from the Van Dycks
(I felt weird after opening all the aformentioned gifts because it was like, I hope you enjoy your CD I got ya!)
* I got to see almost all my family in Iowa, Arkansas, and the Van Dycks plus David and the Cottle Clan.
I'm not trying to brag, but wanted you to get an idea of the spoil-age. Anywho, I'm thankful to the givers and to Jesus who saw fit for me to have some cool stuff. It was a pretty rad Holiday after a long semester at Seminole.
Thursday, December 29, 2005
Tuesday, December 27, 2005
Remember This Face.
Saturday, December 24, 2005
Bidi Bidi Bom Bom

We're finally here, and after much traveling and relatives, we landed last night in the city of Corpus Christi, hometown to the slain Tejano music sensation, SELENA.
We've also been in ye olde Buick for about a week. But we did learn ten verses by just riding in the Max-mobile. We went from Norman to Bella Vista Arkansas, then to Des Moines Iowa for 2 days, back to Arkansas for 2 days. We opened presents with my family thursday night. Then we drove back to Norman on Friday, picked up Jenny and Buki, then headed for the sea. We stopped in San Antonio and had dinner with the Cottle fam. We then drove on to Corpus while watching "Can't Hardly Wait" on my laptop, arriving at 11:30 pm. Wow, it was a long day.
Amy's mom has about 974 presents under the huge tree, (little full, lotta sap) Anyway, the hugest present has my name on it, not sure how we're going to get it home. It's so big that 4 oompa loompas could be living inside.
Whelp, see ya later.
Sunday, December 18, 2005
Name That Tune, Original Artist Please...
I believe in God the Father
Almighty Maker of Heaven and Maker of Earth
And in Jesus Christ His only begotten Son, our Lord
He was conceived by the Holy Spirit
Born of the virgin Mary
Suffered under Pontius Pilate
He was crucified and dead and buried
And I believe what I believe is what makes me what I am
I did not make it, no it is making me
It is the very truth of God and not the invention of any man
I believe that He who suffered was crucified, buried, and dead
He descended into hell and on the third day, rose again
He ascended into Heaven where He sits at God's mighty right hand
I believe that He's returning
To judge the quick and the dead of the sons of men
And I believe what I believe is what makes me what I am
I did not make it, no it is making me
It is the very truth of God and not the invention of any man
I believe it, I believe it
I believe it
I believe it, I believe it
I believe in God the Father
Almighty Maker of Heaven and Maker of Earth
And in Jesus Christ His only begotten Son, our Lord
I believe in the Holy Spirit
One Holy Church
The communion of Saints
The forgiveness of sin
I believe in the resurrection
I believe in a life that never ends
And I believe what I believe is what makes me what I am
I did not make it, no it is making me
I did not make it, no it is making me
I said I did not make it, no it is making me
It is the very truth of God and not the invention of any man
I believe it, I believe
I believe it, I believe
Almighty Maker of Heaven and Maker of Earth
And in Jesus Christ His only begotten Son, our Lord
He was conceived by the Holy Spirit
Born of the virgin Mary
Suffered under Pontius Pilate
He was crucified and dead and buried
And I believe what I believe is what makes me what I am
I did not make it, no it is making me
It is the very truth of God and not the invention of any man
I believe that He who suffered was crucified, buried, and dead
He descended into hell and on the third day, rose again
He ascended into Heaven where He sits at God's mighty right hand
I believe that He's returning
To judge the quick and the dead of the sons of men
And I believe what I believe is what makes me what I am
I did not make it, no it is making me
It is the very truth of God and not the invention of any man
I believe it, I believe it
I believe it
I believe it, I believe it
I believe in God the Father
Almighty Maker of Heaven and Maker of Earth
And in Jesus Christ His only begotten Son, our Lord
I believe in the Holy Spirit
One Holy Church
The communion of Saints
The forgiveness of sin
I believe in the resurrection
I believe in a life that never ends
And I believe what I believe is what makes me what I am
I did not make it, no it is making me
I did not make it, no it is making me
I said I did not make it, no it is making me
It is the very truth of God and not the invention of any man
I believe it, I believe
I believe it, I believe
Thursday, December 15, 2005
Stupid Awards 2005
**this is a re-post, so comments didn't transfer.
NOTE: These people aren't stupid, but the awards most definitely are. Without Further adieu.."Best Fiance I've Ever Had"
Amy Van Dyck
Everyone now.... Awwww.
"Most Likely to Start a National Trend and/or catchphrase"
Mark Cone
Everything he does is art.
"Most Popular Girl in School"
Allison Powell
Nuff said..
"Bah-haha Award"
Dave Elliff
Thanks for bringing the laugh to Oklahoma, what a contribution.
"GQ Called" Award
David Cottle
Also the "Dude I've missed most lately" award
"Greatest O-stater"
Grant Bivens
Seminole already misses him.
"Best Picture Smile"
Jenny Van Dyck
So consistent, regal
"Hottest Grandma"
Junk Jennings
(insert your own commentary)
"Lewdest Facebook Picture"
Matt Carpenter
I had to edit this pic... never know when the kids are blog hopping...gross.
"Most likely to take Steve Jobs' Job"
Ryan Mock
His new invention is an MP3 player for foot doctors, it's called the iPodiatrist.
"Most Eligible Bachelor"
Shane Kammerer
He's pretty much Billy Graham that looks like Fabio.
"Coolest Teacher at OU"
Susanne Scott
Ich wünsche, daß ich sie als Lehrer hatte. Stoppen Sie bitte, mein Fett zu ergreifen.
"Chillaxin' Award"
Thad Lanthripe
Am I right, Am I right?
"What Tha..." Award
Anthony Chastain
Long Story...
"Hey Friends" Award
Tygre Meniolberg-stein
Whelp, that's 5 minutes you'll never get back... comment if I missed any awards.
Amy Van Dyck
Everyone now.... Awwww.

Mark Cone
Everything he does is art.

Allison Powell
Nuff said..

Dave Elliff
Thanks for bringing the laugh to Oklahoma, what a contribution.

David Cottle
Also the "Dude I've missed most lately" award

Grant Bivens
Seminole already misses him.

Jenny Van Dyck
So consistent, regal

Junk Jennings
(insert your own commentary)

Matt Carpenter
I had to edit this pic... never know when the kids are blog hopping...gross.

Ryan Mock
His new invention is an MP3 player for foot doctors, it's called the iPodiatrist.

Shane Kammerer
He's pretty much Billy Graham that looks like Fabio.

Susanne Scott
Ich wünsche, daß ich sie als Lehrer hatte. Stoppen Sie bitte, mein Fett zu ergreifen.

Thad Lanthripe
Am I right, Am I right?

Anthony Chastain
Long Story...

Tygre Meniolberg-stein
Whelp, that's 5 minutes you'll never get back... comment if I missed any awards.
Monday, December 12, 2005
The Chronicles of iPodia.

I also won a home theater system in a trivia game today.. long story. But it's free! God has given me so much stuff lately, I really don't deserve it.
So, come by and I'll give you a demonstration!
Sunday, December 11, 2005
Friday, December 09, 2005
Tuesday, December 06, 2005
What a Provider!
A little disclaimer first: I don't base my love or faith in God on what he gives me, because sometimes He sees that it would be better for me to be without. But when He does provide, and in a major way, I want to stand up, sing loud and do a little jig for my Lord!
Today a good friend and mentor donated his car to Amy and I. Amy's current car has one foot in the grave and the other on a banana peel, so this was such an answer to prayer.
What moves my heart the most is the fact that I haven't been very faithful lately, and it has felt that I have neglected my relationship with Him. Today I totally feel loved, and that my acceptance and forgiveness is not based on what I've done, but what he's done. Yet another undeserving gift given to an undeserving person... as if his life wasn't enough...
Today a good friend and mentor donated his car to Amy and I. Amy's current car has one foot in the grave and the other on a banana peel, so this was such an answer to prayer.
What moves my heart the most is the fact that I haven't been very faithful lately, and it has felt that I have neglected my relationship with Him. Today I totally feel loved, and that my acceptance and forgiveness is not based on what I've done, but what he's done. Yet another undeserving gift given to an undeserving person... as if his life wasn't enough...
Monday, December 05, 2005
Tuesday, November 29, 2005
And now...the Rest of the story.

This car was built just for the event. Four guys from the club got together and bought this 51 Chrysler. (yep, it's got a hemi!) They cut the roof off, lowered it, painted it flat black, put flamethrowers in the exhaust and stuck them through the hood. So they would drive around throwing beads and shooting fire from the pipes.

They also had about 5 blenders that were powered by weed-eater engines making drinks all day.
Eventually, they got in trouble for the flamethrowers, apparently they're illegal.. so in protest they stuffed newspaper and hot coals from the grill in the pipes and set them on fire.. real mature, huh?
You'll see the entire event in the upcoming video "Old Fogeys Gone Wild" which will be available for $19.95 on late night cable TV.

Sunday, November 27, 2005
Weenie Roast?
Thursday, November 17, 2005
I'm off to the uh wait ...480.
Back in the diz-ay Arizona only had one area code for the entire state. Around the Mid-80's the boom to move out west hit, and Phoenix and the surrounding communities were growing like crazy.
I just remember that it seemed like overnight we went from one area code to several. I think it was when I was a freshman in college. Well, the 'rappers' liked to call Phoenix the "602" because...well... I guess it sounded cool. So, out of habit I call it the "602" 'cause I'm straight gangsta'. Technically though, my dad doesn't live in the 602 area code, but it just doesn't feel right to say that I'm gonna be kickin' it in the 480. So, for our purposes, I'm bouncin' to the 602.. ish.
Here are some fun Arizona images.
The Canyon (grand)
The Tempe Town Lake on New year's
Palm Walk. You can see how it got its name. DUH! Runs north-south through campus. I've walked on it like....1,000 times.
The Bridge over University Ave. The beginning of Palm Walk.
A rare geological find discovered in Tibet and transported carefully back to ASU. They found it just like that, I swear.
Seriously... not at Thanksgiving though.
Go Devils!
I just remember that it seemed like overnight we went from one area code to several. I think it was when I was a freshman in college. Well, the 'rappers' liked to call Phoenix the "602" because...well... I guess it sounded cool. So, out of habit I call it the "602" 'cause I'm straight gangsta'. Technically though, my dad doesn't live in the 602 area code, but it just doesn't feel right to say that I'm gonna be kickin' it in the 480. So, for our purposes, I'm bouncin' to the 602.. ish.
Here are some fun Arizona images.

Wednesday, November 16, 2005
Today I'm having an internal struggle with what I know is true, and what I really believe. I've committed to be a learner for the rest of my life. But sometimes that's easier said than done. I know that God has put certain people in my life to learn from, but right now my pride doesn't want to hear it. Maybe I just need a vacation.
Lord, help me to learn all I can from everyone I can, not just the ones I choose to learn from.
Speaking of Pride, I've got plenty enough to go around lately, and I'm afraid to pray that God will humble me. So, I'm trying to 'humble myself in the sight of the Lord' so He doesn't have to.
Lord, help me to learn all I can from everyone I can, not just the ones I choose to learn from.
Speaking of Pride, I've got plenty enough to go around lately, and I'm afraid to pray that God will humble me. So, I'm trying to 'humble myself in the sight of the Lord' so He doesn't have to.
Monday, November 14, 2005
Unconnected thoughts
Ray Charles. I like his music. His life was really messed up though. So was Elvis. Maybe that's the trade-off. Fame comes at a price.
Having a bad day? Need a cheer up? Watch this video. It'll make you cry, and yet you'll want to jump for joy simultaneously.
Po'. Where' all my money going? To McDonalds I think. Hope I can make it to the 480.. (slang talk for phoenix)

Having a bad day? Need a cheer up? Watch this video. It'll make you cry, and yet you'll want to jump for joy simultaneously.
Po'. Where' all my money going? To McDonalds I think. Hope I can make it to the 480.. (slang talk for phoenix)

Vee Dubs, I'd really like to own one.
Wednesday, November 09, 2005
Ripped Off
I don't like to whine, but today I'm hurt. Some of you may have heard that when I play music with my homies, we like to call ourselves "Deer Pants." One of the first praise songs I ever heard was "As the Deer Pants for the Water..." Immediately the metal image came into my mind of a Deer wearing pants. So, I thought it would be cool to name a band that name.
Some friends of mine told their dad about our clever name, and he proceeded to copyright the name and start a Men's ministry at his church with the same name. They have a website where you can buy hats and aprons with MY band's name on it. This ministry is going nationwide in that they're creating reproducable curriculum a la 'Men's Fraternity'.
This pretty much means that legally I can't use the name. You know what I would hate more than being jailed for copyright infringement? Someone coming up to me and saying "Hey, did you copy your name from that men's Bible Study?" I think I would lose it. Ever seen that movie "Falling Down" with Michael Douglas? Yeah, kinda like that.
So.. for the handful of people that read this, I need ideas for a new band name. Here are a couple of ideas: (please don't steal and copyright) "Red Letter Edition" or "Captain Geech and the Shrimp Shack Shooters"...
Some friends of mine told their dad about our clever name, and he proceeded to copyright the name and start a Men's ministry at his church with the same name. They have a website where you can buy hats and aprons with MY band's name on it. This ministry is going nationwide in that they're creating reproducable curriculum a la 'Men's Fraternity'.
This pretty much means that legally I can't use the name. You know what I would hate more than being jailed for copyright infringement? Someone coming up to me and saying "Hey, did you copy your name from that men's Bible Study?" I think I would lose it. Ever seen that movie "Falling Down" with Michael Douglas? Yeah, kinda like that.
So.. for the handful of people that read this, I need ideas for a new band name. Here are a couple of ideas: (please don't steal and copyright) "Red Letter Edition" or "Captain Geech and the Shrimp Shack Shooters"...
Sunday, November 06, 2005
Dying Americana

A bunch of us went to the Drive-in Movies tonight... I say Movie(s) because it was a triple feature for 5 bucks. I got a little nostalgic, because to me, the drive-in represents the innocence of the 1950's, which is all but lost.
We're lucky to have such a cool drive-in so close. In 1958 there were 5000+ drive-ins, and now there are less than 500 nationwide. The Winchester, located in south OKC has been owned by the same family for 68 years.
Anyone want a HOT DOG?
Thursday, November 03, 2005
John Wooden

I'm reading Wooden's Autobiography "They Call Me Coach" He was the UCLA basketball coach for 27 years, and has been called America's winningest coach, with 12 NCAA titles, and 7 consecutive titles from 1967-1975. He's coached greats like Kareem Abdul Jabaar, and Bill Walton.
He reads his Bible everyday, and considers faith to be essential for coaching. To be entrusted with the lives of young men without God would be impossible, says Wooden. His coaching style reflected all of life, not just basketball. He taught his players respect, integrity and hustle.
Guys like Wooden really know how to lead and teach men. Seems like discipleship closely parallels the training on sports teams.
You should read some biographies. It doesn't take long, and their are some cool men and women out there that we can learn from...
Thursday, October 27, 2005
What's a vice?

In case you were wondering Amy, (the only reader of this blog) a vice is used to hold something while it's being welded, cut, shaped, etc. One turns the handle to tighten or loosen the jaws around the object. Now you know.
Can you see how this relates to my life? The word "vice" is a double-entedre. It can also mean:
1 a : moral depravity or corruption : WICKEDNESS b : a moral fault or failing c : a habitual and usually trivial defect or shortcoming : FOIBLE
3 : a physical imperfection, deformity, or taint
The sinful nature of man. The vice we fight against.
Tuesday, October 11, 2005
Seems like were at that point in the living arrangement when we're starting to get real with each other, and when I say real, I mean real selfish. What I do is stuff "stuff" down deep and it begins to simmer and rears it's head as anger a month later. Others are withdrawing, talking trash behind each other's backs..etc. Well, the bottom line is that our sin is keeping us from honoring God where we live. So, who's gonna be the bigger man try to unify this house? I hope Dave will do it, but I need to step up. I think they're looking to me because I'm the oldest. Lord please help me remember that I don't have any rights, and that I must consider everyone better than me, for You oppose the proud, but give grace to the humble.
Monday, October 10, 2005
Decisions !?
It's time I started getting things off my chest. Maybe I'll do it here, maybe I won't, but today I will.
I've been quite frustrated lately with the way people I care about are making decisions. These are people with lots of knowledge in their heads that is apparently stuck in traffic on the way to their heart. In other words, to know and to do are two different things. They know, but don't do.
BIG PICTURE: My dad always uses the expression, "stepping over dollars to pick up dimes" This is the idea that sometimes we get so wrapped up in details, or things that aren't important, and forget the vision that God has set before us. That's what I see happening all around me. People are dying and going to hell, guys are everywhere that need training, and all that dominates the mind is a GIRL. I have nothing against Girls, in fact, I'm going to marry a fabulous one. But God is clear about these matters... IDOLOTRY.. substituting the creator for the created.
ME ME ME Good 'ol fashoined selfishness. It's all about ME and what I want, MY happiness, what's best for ME. And God surely doesn't know what He's doing, if I trust Him, I'll probably get an ugly, nerdy boring person that will make me miserable. That's why I must take control of this area, becaues God will rip me off. It also doesn't matter in the least if the other person is ready, or if they need time to heal from past wounds, because, let me remind you that it's all about numero uno.
Counsel VS Advice This is the most tender point of my frustration. Advice is taken as a suggestion, Biblical counsel should be heeded. Most confuse the two.
Heart Friends We all need people who know us on a heart level. Most people know me on a factual level, Name, age, favorite color, etc. But these people are easily fooled by my tricks because they don't KNOW me. My heart friends know me so well, they can smell my BS a mile away. They know my past, my hurts, my tendancies, my struggles, and can make accurate assessments in light of scripture on my life. In other words, they have all the facts before drawing conclusions. These are also they people that I don't want to talk to when I mess up, because I can't fool them by telling them it was someone elses' fault, or some other lame excuse. I know exactly what they'll say because I know them on the same level.
So, I've been lonely lately because I know a few on this level, and they Know what I'd say about a situation, and are avoiding me. Instead, they take opinion polls from people who don't know anything in order to justify their actions and make them feel better about it. Sad, isn't it?
Guilty I have been guilty of everything I just said at one time or another, but I had some heart friends that LOVE me, and helped me see the big picture, and that God was trying to form my character and show me how selfish I am through these situations.
I'm spent.
I've been quite frustrated lately with the way people I care about are making decisions. These are people with lots of knowledge in their heads that is apparently stuck in traffic on the way to their heart. In other words, to know and to do are two different things. They know, but don't do.
BIG PICTURE: My dad always uses the expression, "stepping over dollars to pick up dimes" This is the idea that sometimes we get so wrapped up in details, or things that aren't important, and forget the vision that God has set before us. That's what I see happening all around me. People are dying and going to hell, guys are everywhere that need training, and all that dominates the mind is a GIRL. I have nothing against Girls, in fact, I'm going to marry a fabulous one. But God is clear about these matters... IDOLOTRY.. substituting the creator for the created.
ME ME ME Good 'ol fashoined selfishness. It's all about ME and what I want, MY happiness, what's best for ME. And God surely doesn't know what He's doing, if I trust Him, I'll probably get an ugly, nerdy boring person that will make me miserable. That's why I must take control of this area, becaues God will rip me off. It also doesn't matter in the least if the other person is ready, or if they need time to heal from past wounds, because, let me remind you that it's all about numero uno.
Counsel VS Advice This is the most tender point of my frustration. Advice is taken as a suggestion, Biblical counsel should be heeded. Most confuse the two.
Heart Friends We all need people who know us on a heart level. Most people know me on a factual level, Name, age, favorite color, etc. But these people are easily fooled by my tricks because they don't KNOW me. My heart friends know me so well, they can smell my BS a mile away. They know my past, my hurts, my tendancies, my struggles, and can make accurate assessments in light of scripture on my life. In other words, they have all the facts before drawing conclusions. These are also they people that I don't want to talk to when I mess up, because I can't fool them by telling them it was someone elses' fault, or some other lame excuse. I know exactly what they'll say because I know them on the same level.
So, I've been lonely lately because I know a few on this level, and they Know what I'd say about a situation, and are avoiding me. Instead, they take opinion polls from people who don't know anything in order to justify their actions and make them feel better about it. Sad, isn't it?
Guilty I have been guilty of everything I just said at one time or another, but I had some heart friends that LOVE me, and helped me see the big picture, and that God was trying to form my character and show me how selfish I am through these situations.
I'm spent.
Friday, July 22, 2005
What is the purpose of blogging?
Having a blog is definitely the cool thing to do. Let the record show that I had a blog long before the wave hit.
So, what is a blog's purpose? If it is to get thoughts out in written form, then why not buy a journal? They're must be something intriguing about everyone with internet having access to my own thoughts. Maybe this is our 15 minutes of fame...
I've also noticed that bloggers tend to start blogging as some sort of cathartic release of thoughts and emotions, but it quickly becomes consumer driven. The worth and value of a blog is usually equated to how many comments have been made on each post. Is that what this is all about? Popularity? What happens is bloggers post things that will yield the most amount of comments. So, then is it for the reader, or the author?
So, what is a blog's purpose? If it is to get thoughts out in written form, then why not buy a journal? They're must be something intriguing about everyone with internet having access to my own thoughts. Maybe this is our 15 minutes of fame...
I've also noticed that bloggers tend to start blogging as some sort of cathartic release of thoughts and emotions, but it quickly becomes consumer driven. The worth and value of a blog is usually equated to how many comments have been made on each post. Is that what this is all about? Popularity? What happens is bloggers post things that will yield the most amount of comments. So, then is it for the reader, or the author?
Wednesday, July 13, 2005
Trying to understand
I very aware that I don't know everything. I don't even claim to know 1% of everything, but I'm trying, and all I ask is that people would extend grace as I try in my awkward way.
Leading is hard. I'm still learning.
Jesus says "For the son of man did not come to be served, but to serve and give His life a ransom for many" Did I come to be served? I wonder.
Leading is hard. I'm still learning.
Jesus says "For the son of man did not come to be served, but to serve and give His life a ransom for many" Did I come to be served? I wonder.
The Machiavelli of bloggerdom
Well after a bit of a break, I'm back. I'm too much of a show-off to have a private journal, so I came back from blogging death for all the world to see.
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