**this is a re-post, so comments didn't transfer.
NOTE: These people aren't stupid, but the awards most definitely are. Without Further adieu.."Best Fiance I've Ever Had"
Amy Van Dyck
Everyone now.... Awwww.
"Most Likely to Start a National Trend and/or catchphrase"
Mark Cone
Everything he does is art.
"Most Popular Girl in School"
Allison Powell
Nuff said..
"Bah-haha Award"
Dave Elliff
Thanks for bringing the laugh to Oklahoma, what a contribution.
"GQ Called" Award
David Cottle
Also the "Dude I've missed most lately" award
"Greatest O-stater"
Grant Bivens
Seminole already misses him.
"Best Picture Smile"
Jenny Van Dyck
So consistent, regal
"Hottest Grandma"
Junk Jennings
(insert your own commentary)
"Lewdest Facebook Picture"
Matt Carpenter
I had to edit this pic... never know when the kids are blog hopping...gross.
"Most likely to take Steve Jobs' Job"
Ryan Mock
His new invention is an MP3 player for foot doctors, it's called the iPodiatrist.
"Most Eligible Bachelor"
Shane Kammerer
He's pretty much Billy Graham that looks like Fabio.
"Coolest Teacher at OU"
Susanne Scott
Ich wünsche, daß ich sie als Lehrer hatte. Stoppen Sie bitte, mein Fett zu ergreifen.
"Chillaxin' Award"
Thad Lanthripe
Am I right, Am I right?
"What Tha..." Award
Anthony Chastain
Long Story...
"Hey Friends" Award
Tygre Meniolberg-stein
Whelp, that's 5 minutes you'll never get back... comment if I missed any awards.
Amy Van Dyck
Everyone now.... Awwww.

Mark Cone
Everything he does is art.

Allison Powell
Nuff said..

Dave Elliff
Thanks for bringing the laugh to Oklahoma, what a contribution.

David Cottle
Also the "Dude I've missed most lately" award

Grant Bivens
Seminole already misses him.

Jenny Van Dyck
So consistent, regal

Junk Jennings
(insert your own commentary)

Matt Carpenter
I had to edit this pic... never know when the kids are blog hopping...gross.

Ryan Mock
His new invention is an MP3 player for foot doctors, it's called the iPodiatrist.

Shane Kammerer
He's pretty much Billy Graham that looks like Fabio.

Susanne Scott
Ich wünsche, daß ich sie als Lehrer hatte. Stoppen Sie bitte, mein Fett zu ergreifen.

Thad Lanthripe
Am I right, Am I right?

Anthony Chastain
Long Story...

Tygre Meniolberg-stein
Whelp, that's 5 minutes you'll never get back... comment if I missed any awards.
Haha, thanks for the 'award' Dan-o
"His new invention is an MP3 player for foot doctors, it's called the iPodiatrist."
That is rather funny...if I may say so...
hey dude, now that is funny! Good stuff, thanks for the award, I owe it all to my good friend from Powhuska, so I must first thank him.
Thanks for the award. I knew all my smiling practice would pay off someday!
I am speechless, not so much for making your incredible list ...but Carpenter, please! nuf said!
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