Let me take you way back to ... saturday. Fudd and Amy awoke to a large 'tootsie roll' in the toilet. The crime scene was very clean, literally, as there was NO T.P. in the the bowl. Grody you say? Yes, but a crucial clue proving the perp was proud of thier doo-ing, and didn't want any T.P. to hinder the viewing of said creation.
Of course noone in the household admits guilt, but after examination of the doors there is no evidence of forced entry. So, that means either it was an inside job or they knew the perp and unwittingly let him/her in. Hmmm...
Which brings us to this afternoon... after a hard day of moving, I glady slurped up a large drink courtesy of Sonic. Shortly thereafter I felt a sharp pain in my abdomen signaling that my blatter needed some relief. I went into Amy and Jenny's bathroom, lifted the lid... dun dun dun! The horror which I felt is undescribable. The smell I experienced was ungodly, and I may have nightmares. They struck again. Same M.O., nobody home, and no evidence of a flush. ( I'll spare you the details)
After the second incident, I think we have a serial pooper on our hands. Which makes me want to wash my hands for some reason.. (sick)
Beware, your toilet could be next.