This car was built just for the event. Four guys from the club got together and bought this 51 Chrysler. (yep, it's got a hemi!) They cut the roof off, lowered it, painted it flat black, put flamethrowers in the exhaust and stuck them through the hood. So they would drive around throwing beads and shooting fire from the pipes.

They also had about 5 blenders that were powered by weed-eater engines making drinks all day.
Eventually, they got in trouble for the flamethrowers, apparently they're illegal.. so in protest they stuffed newspaper and hot coals from the grill in the pipes and set them on fire.. real mature, huh?
You'll see the entire event in the upcoming video "Old Fogeys Gone Wild" which will be available for $19.95 on late night cable TV.

Great story dan! Thats a pretty sweet ride...I would drive it...
See you later today!
I dig you and your stories. Love you!
yeah for your new blog!
i like the snow.
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