Props to Holly for inspiring me to tell some stories about my dad. This has not really been thought through very much, as I'm sitting in an Infiniti dealership waiting for them to program a key..(luxury dealerships have computers & Internet and free snacks) so, these are the stories I can think of on the fly, and maybe I'll add more later as they come to mind.
One time Dad and his friend Marion Hansel were at a Car swap meet, and they had some car parts laying on the ground for sale. Marion had a really nice Speedometer out of a mid 60's Corvette, and he was only asking $5 for it. A guy came by and looked it all over, inspected every inch, set it down and walked away. About an hour later he came back, did the same thing and then said, "wouldya take a dollar for it?" Marion told him no, and that 5 bucks was really cheap anyway for that part. Another hour passes and he comes back AGAIN, inspects the speedo like before, puts it back on the ground and says, "wouldya take $2 for it" at that moment, My Dad hops off the tailgate of the truck and procedes to stomp on the speedometer until it was broken beyond recognition. Then he turns to Marion and hands him $5 for it....... the guy's mouth dropped open and he walked away.... they laughed about that for years.
When I was in High School My dad repainted his Chevy truck in our garage, and it was beautiful, it basically was a show-car paint job on his work truck. We went to Dairy Queen one night to get some ice cream. We were sitting in the truck eating when an old couple in a Lincoln pulled up and parked next to us. The old man got out and kicked his door open right into the door of the truck, leaving a ding. My dad was sitting there in shock with the window down just staring... the guy didn't apologize or nothing.. Next thing I knew after they walked away, Dad gets out and stoops down under the truck for something. He was looking for a big glob of grease from underneath the truck. He finds a big 'ol glob of grease and grit, then he stands up and packs it tightly underneath the door handle of the old man's car... he got back in the truck, we backed up into the spot behind us and waited...... The old man's reaction was priceless...
When dad was in High School, he worked his tail off to buy a 2 year old Corvette. Back then Corvettes had T-Tops, which means that the roof was removable in two sections. Back in the day in Des Moines, it was cool to "Scoop the Loop" Which meant to cruise around downtown for hours looking to impress girls and drag racing with other guys...... One night he was "Scoopin' the Loop" when he pulled up next to a carload of cute girls... Dad dropped a cool 70's pick up line probably.. and just then a bird poops on his head as the ladies watch, then roared with laughter.... he went home in embarrassment.
At Christmas of 1983, I asked for a bicycle, and he got me that AND a Honda 70 three wheeler (back before they we banned) both of them were under the tree Christmas morning.
DAD RAN HIMSELF OVER WITH THE CAR. When I was really little, Dad had a T-Bucket with a huge, powerful racing engine. (Hilborn injected, 6-71 blown 350 Chevy) The car was NOT equipped with a wonderful safety feature called a "Neutral Safety Switch" Basically this feature disables the starter when the car is in gear, so you won't accidently start the motor and run into something. Well, as I said, this Hot Rod did not have that. Since it did NOT have Fenders, standing next to the car meant you were in the path of the rear tires.. (you can see where this is going) While standing outstide the car, with one hand he grabs the key to start it, and with the other grabs the gas pedal to give it some gas as he starts it up. The car comes to life, lunges forward, runs him over and drives into the garage, running into Willie Lewis' 31 chevy crunching the fender..... Dad and Willie rolled around on the ground for a minute writhing in pain, staggered to there feet, and realized that Dad was missing his shirt, and Willie was missing his pants, staning there in his tighty whiteys!!!! Dad found his T-Shirt later with a big tire mark on it, he had it hanging in the garage with pride for years.....
Monday, June 16, 2008
Sunday, March 09, 2008
Monday, March 03, 2008
I only lived there for a short 5 years or so, but my life was changed dramatically for the good. I found a wife, made the closest friends I've ever had, and learned alot about my black, selfish heart. I can easeily say that moving to Norman was one of those "forks in the road" in my life. After only 5 years from leaving Arizona, my life is miles away from where it would've been. Usually it takes a long time to see the different direction life has taken in result of the decisions we make, but in this short time life has changed exponentially....and I'm happy about it. I guess I could trace it back to a single decision of going to High Point back in '01... but wait, if I hadn't been at the ASU BSU, I wouldn't have known about High, I guess the point is moot.
I'm excited for what the future holds for Norman. Sometimes I wish I could be a part of it again, and if God leads that way, we'll go.
MORAL: Make good decisions. Even the little ones can change your life.
I'm excited for what the future holds for Norman. Sometimes I wish I could be a part of it again, and if God leads that way, we'll go.
MORAL: Make good decisions. Even the little ones can change your life.
Friday, February 15, 2008
PLEASE go to and watch the trailer... I can't wait for this one to come out.
For my class with William Dembski, renown as a leader in the intelligent design movement, we have been reading "Miracles" by C.S. Lewis. Up until today this has been a difficult and mostly academic read.
But today we started talking about if Miracles still happen. Well, of course I believe they still happen, but perhaps only intellectually. He showed a video that blew my socks off. It was an interview of a man in his sixties who experienced a miracle. AND, this happened here in DFW, not in the 3rd world like many stories of miracles
His story goes like this: His wife, daughter and granddaughter were driving down I-35 when his wife's heart stopped. The car crossed the median and hit a truck head on at 70 MPH. (They showed pics of the car, it was unrecognizable) The wife and the daughter were killed instantly, but the 3 year old grandbaby was flown to Fort Worth in critical condition. The man, Therman Scrivner (in case you want to google it) walked into the hospital and a nurse said that he shouldn't go in to the room because his granddaughter was very disfigured. He said to her, God IS going to heal her. In the interview he said that God didn't tell him as such, but he was standing on the promise of scripture. The doctors said it would be impossible for her to live. Here is a rundown of her injuries: Her knees were crushed, legs broken in two places, her face was unrecognizable, her brain had disconnected from her eyes and her spine, and she was bleeding from everywhere. Since her brain was disconnected, she was blind, and was on machines to breath.
Well, this man assured everyone that God was going to heal her 100%. He then proceeded to Pray and read scripture over her, and worship and praise God for the next ten hours.
To make a long story short, within 10 months she was completely healed with NO trace of the accident ever happening. The brought her on stage and she had NO Scarring on her face. Therman said that NO surgeries had been performed on her. "Not one knife has touched her..." he said.
The power of faith to heal.... Wow. I checked out his website, and yah, seems kinda wierd and charismatic, but I believe that this happened to this man. I'm not so sure about his "healing seminars" but it's intersting nonetheless.... Ever seen or heard of a Modern day miracle?
Here's the site:
But today we started talking about if Miracles still happen. Well, of course I believe they still happen, but perhaps only intellectually. He showed a video that blew my socks off. It was an interview of a man in his sixties who experienced a miracle. AND, this happened here in DFW, not in the 3rd world like many stories of miracles
His story goes like this: His wife, daughter and granddaughter were driving down I-35 when his wife's heart stopped. The car crossed the median and hit a truck head on at 70 MPH. (They showed pics of the car, it was unrecognizable) The wife and the daughter were killed instantly, but the 3 year old grandbaby was flown to Fort Worth in critical condition. The man, Therman Scrivner (in case you want to google it) walked into the hospital and a nurse said that he shouldn't go in to the room because his granddaughter was very disfigured. He said to her, God IS going to heal her. In the interview he said that God didn't tell him as such, but he was standing on the promise of scripture. The doctors said it would be impossible for her to live. Here is a rundown of her injuries: Her knees were crushed, legs broken in two places, her face was unrecognizable, her brain had disconnected from her eyes and her spine, and she was bleeding from everywhere. Since her brain was disconnected, she was blind, and was on machines to breath.
Well, this man assured everyone that God was going to heal her 100%. He then proceeded to Pray and read scripture over her, and worship and praise God for the next ten hours.
To make a long story short, within 10 months she was completely healed with NO trace of the accident ever happening. The brought her on stage and she had NO Scarring on her face. Therman said that NO surgeries had been performed on her. "Not one knife has touched her..." he said.
The power of faith to heal.... Wow. I checked out his website, and yah, seems kinda wierd and charismatic, but I believe that this happened to this man. I'm not so sure about his "healing seminars" but it's intersting nonetheless.... Ever seen or heard of a Modern day miracle?
Here's the site:
Monday, February 11, 2008
30 Things that make me happy (prompted by Amy)
1. When Amy is really excited to see me when I get home from work.
2. Driving away from work at the end of the day.
3. Thanks or encouragement from others, written or verbal.
4. Driving my 38 Chevy.
5. Going to bed on Friday night, knowing tomorrow is Saturday.
6.Losing weight.
7.Hearing from/talking to OU friends.
8.Thinking about future ministry opportunities.
9.Seeing Max, Strap and Kels in the same place at the same time.
10. Eating. (which conflicts with #6)
11. Looking at/talking about old cars with Scott or other car folk.
12.Telling stories about my Dad or my Grandparents.
13.When Amy says she loves me a thousand times a day.
14. Giving Amy gifts.
15. Fixing something broken.
16. Playing Guitar/leading worship.
17. Any of my favorite music LOUD.
18. Comments on my Blog.
19. When Jenny comes to visit.
20. Hanging out in Corpus with the VanDycks.
21. ASU Football, or when any Arizona team wins anything. (rare)
22. Arizona in general.
23. Building/playing with model cars.
24. Shaq getting traded to the Suns.
25. Spending time in the Word.
26. Norman, Ok
27. Going to River when in Norman.
28. Loud exhaust pipes on cool cars.
29. Reminiscing about Project Impact LA (Disneyland especially)
30. Thinking about the Cruise and the possibility of another one next year.
2. Driving away from work at the end of the day.
3. Thanks or encouragement from others, written or verbal.
4. Driving my 38 Chevy.
5. Going to bed on Friday night, knowing tomorrow is Saturday.
6.Losing weight.
7.Hearing from/talking to OU friends.
8.Thinking about future ministry opportunities.
9.Seeing Max, Strap and Kels in the same place at the same time.
10. Eating. (which conflicts with #6)
11. Looking at/talking about old cars with Scott or other car folk.
12.Telling stories about my Dad or my Grandparents.
13.When Amy says she loves me a thousand times a day.
14. Giving Amy gifts.
15. Fixing something broken.
16. Playing Guitar/leading worship.
17. Any of my favorite music LOUD.
18. Comments on my Blog.
19. When Jenny comes to visit.
20. Hanging out in Corpus with the VanDycks.
21. ASU Football, or when any Arizona team wins anything. (rare)
22. Arizona in general.
23. Building/playing with model cars.
24. Shaq getting traded to the Suns.
25. Spending time in the Word.
26. Norman, Ok
27. Going to River when in Norman.
28. Loud exhaust pipes on cool cars.
29. Reminiscing about Project Impact LA (Disneyland especially)
30. Thinking about the Cruise and the possibility of another one next year.
Sunday, February 10, 2008
Harold Bullock Conference
Sometimes we don't realize that certain moments were pivotal in our development until much later. I can say that the conference I just attended has the potential to be one of those moments. The reason I said 'potential' is because I need to systematically go through and process all the Areas that the Holy Spirit was challenging me. If I just put my notebook on the shelf, I'll forget it by next week. Harold was telling me that he went to a conference in 1974 that Max Barnett put on. He said that it was the most amazing conference he had been to. He spent many of his free moments going back over the content of the conference. He said it took him 14 years to do it. Wow.
I also want to start a "blogging series" as I unpack the stuff from the conference. I hope that writing about it will aide in processing and applying it to my life.
Just a teaser: To still be walking with Jesus and Making Disciples in 30 years, an MDiv just won't cut it. I need more specific character training. I'm not giving up on Seminary, but there are some opportunites at Hope coming up that will help with this. I'm praying about taking a light load at Southwestern to make time for this training.
On a side note, an Awesome pastor from an Awesome church in California asked if I would come and lead worship and start a college ministry at a nearby campus.... what an honor! I told him that we needed to stay here for now, but to keep me in mind for the future. ..
I also want to start a "blogging series" as I unpack the stuff from the conference. I hope that writing about it will aide in processing and applying it to my life.
Just a teaser: To still be walking with Jesus and Making Disciples in 30 years, an MDiv just won't cut it. I need more specific character training. I'm not giving up on Seminary, but there are some opportunites at Hope coming up that will help with this. I'm praying about taking a light load at Southwestern to make time for this training.
On a side note, an Awesome pastor from an Awesome church in California asked if I would come and lead worship and start a college ministry at a nearby campus.... what an honor! I told him that we needed to stay here for now, but to keep me in mind for the future. ..
Thursday, January 31, 2008
Friend Divorce
I just went through friend divorce. While not as painful and life shattering as real divorce, it's painful nonetheless.
An old friend and I had last commuicated on less than friendly terms. The other day we sat down to get some resolution like the Good Book says we should. It was clear through body language and cold, professional responses that I was not on his christmas list anymore. (The following may be completely biased, but it's true...) I did the best I could expressing regret and asking forgiveness with what had transpired. I let him know that I cared for him and would do what I could to help if he ever needed it. My open heart was met with a locked door, not just a locked door, but a door with 3 locks and a table with a fat guy sitting on it.. he was closed for bizness! (I often use humor to ease pain)
It's obvious I have been evicted from his life.... a life that I invested in, and still care for. That's the sad thing about divorce, it only takes one person to make it happen.
Here's a few things God has shown me through this:
-You're only responsible for yourself, do what YOU have to.
-God doesn't promise fairytail endings when doing his will in obediance.
-Will I let hurt and dissapointment hinder me from discipling from the heart? I hope not.
-Am I willing to risk losing a relationship to tell the truth? Or would I rather tell people what they want to hear so I can be everyone's buddy?
-I need to be thankful and treasure friends that have stuck around through thick and thin.
-Max is right, to make disciples we need a thick skin and a soft heart.
An old friend and I had last commuicated on less than friendly terms. The other day we sat down to get some resolution like the Good Book says we should. It was clear through body language and cold, professional responses that I was not on his christmas list anymore. (The following may be completely biased, but it's true...) I did the best I could expressing regret and asking forgiveness with what had transpired. I let him know that I cared for him and would do what I could to help if he ever needed it. My open heart was met with a locked door, not just a locked door, but a door with 3 locks and a table with a fat guy sitting on it.. he was closed for bizness! (I often use humor to ease pain)
It's obvious I have been evicted from his life.... a life that I invested in, and still care for. That's the sad thing about divorce, it only takes one person to make it happen.
Here's a few things God has shown me through this:
-You're only responsible for yourself, do what YOU have to.
-God doesn't promise fairytail endings when doing his will in obediance.
-Will I let hurt and dissapointment hinder me from discipling from the heart? I hope not.
-Am I willing to risk losing a relationship to tell the truth? Or would I rather tell people what they want to hear so I can be everyone's buddy?
-I need to be thankful and treasure friends that have stuck around through thick and thin.
-Max is right, to make disciples we need a thick skin and a soft heart.
Tuesday, January 01, 2008
HodgePodge Post
Could there be a more BORING bowl season? I've been longing for competition since the last regular season games... it got to the point where I was rooting for Auburn to beat Clemson... I don't care about either of these teams. Rose Bowl= The cure for insomnia. Sugar Bowl=Lawrence Welk on Sat. night. I hope OU wins the Fiesta bowl, but I hope it's a close one, just to satisfy my need to see a good game.
There was a car show at an old time Burger stand in Dallas today (jan 1). Amy and I blew the dust off the 38 and headed to Dallas at 9am. WOW. There was like 3 cars on the road. It was nice... until... we hit Cotton Bowl traffic. Because of this traffic I offically hate Arkansas and Missouri. Here's a pic at the "Dairyette" on Oats and Ferguson.

I'll be starting seminary at Southwestern this semester. That freaks me out a bit 'cause I wasn't exactly the best student the last time I was in school.
Right now I'm watching the episode of the Office when Dwight tries to take over the branch. Hilarious...
Amy is at the movies with some female friends (I can't bring myself to say 'girlfriends') so I decided to make cookies?? I've lost 15 pounds by the way.
I am a horrible waster of free time. That is, the little bits of time I get to myself, I blow it on nothing... ever heard of more-disciplined free-time? That's what I need. Maybe I should read a book.. I've been wanting to read "Hells Angels" by Hunter S. Thompson, but I feel guilty about that because its about bikers doing whatever they want.. I don't know why, but right now i can't bring myself to read a "Christian" book.. don't worry, I still love Jesus, just in a funk I guess.
I want to punch myself in the face everytime I log on facebook, but yet I still do it.
I learned some "hacks" for a Furby. Remember Furbys? If you feed him 3 times in a row, the pet his back, he'll burp 8 times. Cracks me up everytime.
I can be so melancholy. Amy and I have a running joke that if I won the lottery, I'd worry about the taxes. Sunday is usually a waste because I worry all day about going to work on Monday. It's like a disease and I hate it. I'm praying that the cruise is not ruined by my stupid preoccupations.
There was a car show at an old time Burger stand in Dallas today (jan 1). Amy and I blew the dust off the 38 and headed to Dallas at 9am. WOW. There was like 3 cars on the road. It was nice... until... we hit Cotton Bowl traffic. Because of this traffic I offically hate Arkansas and Missouri. Here's a pic at the "Dairyette" on Oats and Ferguson.

I'll be starting seminary at Southwestern this semester. That freaks me out a bit 'cause I wasn't exactly the best student the last time I was in school.
Right now I'm watching the episode of the Office when Dwight tries to take over the branch. Hilarious...
Amy is at the movies with some female friends (I can't bring myself to say 'girlfriends') so I decided to make cookies?? I've lost 15 pounds by the way.
I am a horrible waster of free time. That is, the little bits of time I get to myself, I blow it on nothing... ever heard of more-disciplined free-time? That's what I need. Maybe I should read a book.. I've been wanting to read "Hells Angels" by Hunter S. Thompson, but I feel guilty about that because its about bikers doing whatever they want.. I don't know why, but right now i can't bring myself to read a "Christian" book.. don't worry, I still love Jesus, just in a funk I guess.
I want to punch myself in the face everytime I log on facebook, but yet I still do it.
I learned some "hacks" for a Furby. Remember Furbys? If you feed him 3 times in a row, the pet his back, he'll burp 8 times. Cracks me up everytime.
I can be so melancholy. Amy and I have a running joke that if I won the lottery, I'd worry about the taxes. Sunday is usually a waste because I worry all day about going to work on Monday. It's like a disease and I hate it. I'm praying that the cruise is not ruined by my stupid preoccupations.
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