Monday, March 03, 2008


I only lived there for a short 5 years or so, but my life was changed dramatically for the good. I found a wife, made the closest friends I've ever had, and learned alot about my black, selfish heart. I can easeily say that moving to Norman was one of those "forks in the road" in my life. After only 5 years from leaving Arizona, my life is miles away from where it would've been. Usually it takes a long time to see the different direction life has taken in result of the decisions we make, but in this short time life has changed exponentially....and I'm happy about it. I guess I could trace it back to a single decision of going to High Point back in '01... but wait, if I hadn't been at the ASU BSU, I wouldn't have known about High, I guess the point is moot.

I'm excited for what the future holds for Norman. Sometimes I wish I could be a part of it again, and if God leads that way, we'll go.

MORAL: Make good decisions. Even the little ones can change your life.


Amyzing said...

I treasure my time in Norman too. Eight years of influence is hard to forget. I don't know what might have happened if you never came! I wouldn't be a Hay!

Ryan M said...

Wow... it's been five years for me too. I'm glad you came to Norman when you did, or I would probably be a little punk.

Jenny said...

That's encouraging. It's neat to see where God took you over those years. I want to make good decisions too! Thanks for the decision advice, and I'll let up on emo lyrics!

Jenny said...
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Krae said...

Thanks for this Dan! I have been thinking and learning a lot about the small decisions and 'small days' lately. This was really encouraging! Miss you guys!