Monday, August 14, 2006
Thursday, August 03, 2006
Friday, July 28, 2006
Tuesday, July 11, 2006
Edward "Bob" Foster

He was born July 6, 1913 in Hamilton, Iowa. I've been to hamilton, it's not much more than a spot in the middle of the road.
He ran away in his teens several times, and in the 1930's moved to Southern California to wrestle professionally. He wrestled under the name Thomas Timothy O'toole. He was a pretty tough guy. After that, he refereed wrestling matches until WWII and again after he returned from overseas. I was watching a special about wrestling once on TV, and the guys that inspired Hulk Hogan and some of the older wrestlers, they were all friends of Bob. Guys like "Killer Kowalski" and "Gorgeous George"
In WWII, he was in the army air-corp, the 117th bomb group. His position was navigator on a B-26 bomber named the "Coughin' Coffin", which is the plane that inspired the famous song "Coming in on a wing and a prayer" because it had landed once with only one wheel down. Since he was the navigator, he has lots of pictures of bombing sites taken from the airplane. He also gave me pictures when he toured the Holy Land in 1944. He also has pictures of death camps that his unit went through. I think Eisenhower wanted everyone to see what Hitler did.
After the war he joined the Polk County Iowa Sherriff's Department where he was a deputy from 1955 to 1979. He was always assigned as head of security when an important person came to Des Moines. He has a big frame on the wall of his house with pictures and letters from all the famous people he guarded. Eisenhower, JFK, LBJ, Nixon, and other governors, senators, etc. My favorite is of Him and then Senator John Kennedy (1958)
Then in 1979, he started to play golf everyday. And he did until about 10 years ago.
Friday, June 23, 2006
The many faces of Jenny.

There you have it.
Thursday, June 22, 2006
Friday, June 09, 2006
Danny E. Hay: March 26, 1952- May 8, 2006

I've figured out that there is no "standard" for grief. Everyone grieves differently. I've discovered that I can hold it together when I need to, in public or at memorial services. But in private tears are random and frequent. Just the littlest thing can set me off.
At the memorial in AZ, I didn't hardly cry a drop. I was worried everyone thought I was strange for not looking upset. In fact, my uncle and I were joking around alot. I guess that's how we deal with pain.
Denial aint just a river in Egypt. I understand what this means now. Your mind knows what happened, but your heart won't believe it. It's like I have to tell my heart over and over again what happened, and everytime, it acts surprised.
His story is a great testimony to the power of Jesus. I shared at the memorial that Dad and I didn't get along when I was young...that's an understatement. Then about 6 years ago or so, he accepted Christ.. Talk about a complete 180. He became the Dad I had always hoped for. Sure, he still had his faults, but the last 5 years have been the best ever. We did stuff together, talked stuff out, prayed together, and said "I love you" pretty often... amazing. My mother said at the memorial that she didn't know the guy everyone was talking about. (They divorced 11 years ago) She's right. That's how big of a change he made.

So many people were in tears looking at me. It was a little strange. That's because I look alot like my Dad, and have many of the same manerisms. I remember when I was a kid I hated the fact that my name was the same as his, and resented it when people said we looked alike. Now, I couldn't be more proud to pass on the high forhead, no butt and Santa belly.

My earliest memories of my father was watching him work on his 1938 Chevy. He bought it in 1970 when he still lived with my grandparents. It was all original and somebody had painted it blue with a brush and roller. I think he said he paid $400 for it, to which my grandpa thought he was nuts paying that for it. It was a rust free car (rare in Iowa) and it was sold new at Fletcher Jones Chevrolet in Phoenix, Az. That's ironic because we lived in Iowa, and eventually moved to AZ.
He finished hot rodding it in 1982. The following year we drove to OKC to the Street Rod Nationals. There were 12,000 cars there that year, and Dad won a Top 25 award. That means the car was judged as one of the top 25 at the show. He was very proud of this because all the other award winners were red Fords, and he had a purple Chevy.
He did everything to the car himself in our garage except stitch the upolstery. He put every amenity that new cars had on this one. Power windows, door locks, cruise, tilt wheel, automatic trans, automatic headlights, power antenna, power seats A/C, power steering, AM/FM Stereo...It has a 327 V-8 from a 69 corvette. Even though the restoration is more than 25 years old, you can still look closely and see Dad's attention to detail. That car is as shiny and clean on the bottom as it is on the top.. many of the brackets and pieces he made himself because he couldn't afford to buy one.
Miss you Dad.
Wednesday, May 10, 2006
He said I was in my early forties
with a lot of life before me
when a moment came that stopped me on a dime
and I spent most of the next days
looking at the x-rays
Talking bout the options
and talking bout sweet time
I asked him when it sank in
that this might really be the real end
how�s it hit you when you get that kinda news
man what'd you do
and he said
I went sky diving
I went Rocky Mountain climbing
I went 2.7 seconds on a bull named fumanchu
and I loved deeper and I spoke sweeter
and I gave forgiveness I'd been denying
and he said someday I hope you get the chance
to live like you were dying.
He said I was finally the husband
that most the time I wasn't
and I became a friend a friend would like to have
and all the sudden going fishin
wasn't such an imposition
and I went three times that year I lost my dad
well I finally read the good book
and I took a good long hard look
at what I'd do if I could do it all again
and then
I went sky diving
I went Rocky Mountain climbing
I went 2.7 seconds on a bull named fumanchu
and I loved deeper and I spoke sweeter
and I gave forgiveness I'd been denying
and he said someday I hope you get the chance
to live like you were dying.
Like tomorrow was a gift and you got eternity to think about
what'd you do with it what did you do with it
what did I do with it
what would I do with it?
Sky diving
I went Rocky Mountain climbing
I went 2.7 seconds on a bull named fumanchu
and then I loved deeper and I spoke sweeter
and I watched an eagle as it was flying
and he said someday I hope you get the chance
to live like you were dying.
To live like you were dying.
Monday, May 01, 2006
Mystery Pooper

Let me take you way back to ... saturday. Fudd and Amy awoke to a large 'tootsie roll' in the toilet. The crime scene was very clean, literally, as there was NO T.P. in the the bowl. Grody you say? Yes, but a crucial clue proving the perp was proud of thier doo-ing, and didn't want any T.P. to hinder the viewing of said creation.
Of course noone in the household admits guilt, but after examination of the doors there is no evidence of forced entry. So, that means either it was an inside job or they knew the perp and unwittingly let him/her in. Hmmm...
Which brings us to this afternoon... after a hard day of moving, I glady slurped up a large drink courtesy of Sonic. Shortly thereafter I felt a sharp pain in my abdomen signaling that my blatter needed some relief. I went into Amy and Jenny's bathroom, lifted the lid... dun dun dun! The horror which I felt is undescribable. The smell I experienced was ungodly, and I may have nightmares. They struck again. Same M.O., nobody home, and no evidence of a flush. ( I'll spare you the details)
After the second incident, I think we have a serial pooper on our hands. Which makes me want to wash my hands for some reason.. (sick)
Beware, your toilet could be next.
Sunday, April 16, 2006
I spent a month in a VW one day....
I picked up the car in St. George Utah at 9pm friday. Went to bed. Got up to see that the front tires are trashed, and won't make it very far, (thanks for telling me steve) . I went to the tire store and the car is so low that no tires will fit under the fenders, and the size of tires it had were a special order item that nobody carries. I thought I was going to be stuck there for a couple of days.. frustration was an understatement... so, I just stopped, sat down and prayed for a little bit..
God calmed my heart, then I got my thinking cap back on. I remembered that the front suspension on this VW is adjustable, meaning that I could raise the car up, put on the different tires, and be on my way. Well, the guy I bought the car from was sure that it was already raised up (idiot) but it was actually at it's lowest setting. So, I finally got some tools, and stuck the nose of it up in the air. Then I drove to the tire store and put some new kicks on the front, and I finally left St. George at noon.
I didn't get the speedo hooked up before I left, so I was guessing the speed. Whatever speed I was going, it was about 25 mph slower than everyone else on the freeway... when I looked in my mirror, I felt like the pacecar at the Daytona 500, watching all the swirving to get around me. In my defense, I'm pretty sure I was doing at least 70, which means everyone else was hauling some hiney yesterday.
But the car ran pretty good, except the idle was a little rough.. no biggie...
After getting through Las Vegas, I drove over the Hoover Dam, on the dam road. It was quite impressive... I was sad that I didn't have a camera, or anyone with me to enjoy it.
Anyways.... I got to Wickenburg, Az, which is only about 60 miles from my dad's house when....
I stopped to talk on the phone, dropped the clutch to leave and heard the nastiest grinding and breaking metal sound. I thought that I'd fried the clutch. After some investigation, it wasn't the clutch, but the rear axle had stripped out the splines in the brake drum..... causing the axle to spin free inside the wheel.. Praise God because that's a much easier fix than a clutch.
So I called my Uncle David, and he brought the trailer, and we rolled in about 8:30 pm. Then scott came over and brought a used brake drum and we jacked it up on the trailer and fixed it in about 20 minutes.
Geez. What a day. God is good, I could still be in Utah or stuck on the road a lot farther away..
Despite the problems, I'm happy with the car. It does have a few problems that need fixing... like, no lights work except the headlights and tailights. So I need to fix the brake lights, turn signals, dash lights and license light.... whew.
See you guys late monday- early Tuesday morning!
Wednesday, April 12, 2006
Another song (from childhood)
Well, when I was a kid I'd take a trip every summer down the Mississippi
To visit my granny in her antebellum world
I'd run barefooted all day long climbin' trees free as a song
And one day I happened to catch myself a squirrel
Well, I stuffed him down in an old shoe box, punched a couple of holes in the top
And when Sunday came I snuck him into Church
I was sittin' way back in the very last pew showin' him to my good buddy Hugh
When that squirrel got loose and went totally berserk
Well, what happened next is hard to tell
Some thought it was heaven others thought it was hell
But the fact that something was among us was plain to see
As the choir sang "I Surrender All" the squirrel ran up Harv Newlan's coveralls
Harv leaped to his feet and said, "Somethin's got a hold on me", Yeow!
The day the squirrel went berserk
In the First Self-Righteous Church
In the sleepy little town of Pascagoula
It was a fight for survival that broke out in revival
They were jumpin' pews and shoutin' Hallelujah!
Well, Harv hit the aisles dancin' and screamin'
Some thought he had religion others thought he had a demon
And Harv thought he had a weed eater loose in his Fruit-Of-The-Looms
He fell to his knees to plead and beg and the squirrel ran out of his britches leg
Unobserved to the other side of the room
All the way down to the amen pew where sat Sister Bertha better-than-you
Who'd been watchin' all the commotion with sadistic glee
But you should've seen the look in her eyes
When that squirrel jumped her garters and crossed her thighs
She jumped to her feet and said "Lord have mercy on me"
As the squirrel made laps inside her dress
She began to cry and then to confess to sins that would make a sailor blush with shame
She told of gossip and church dissension but the thing that got the most attention
Was when she talked about her love life and then she started naming names
The day the squirrel went berserk
In the First Self-Righteous Church
In that sleepy little town of Pascagoula
It was a fight for survival that broke out in revival
They were jumpin' pews and shoutin' Hallelujah!
Well seven deacons and the pastor got saved,
Twenty-five thousand dollars was raised and fifty volunteered
For missions in the Congo on the spot
Even without an invitation there were at least five hundred rededications
And we all got baptized whether we needed it or not
Now you've heard the bible story I guess
How he parted the waters for Moses to pass
Oh the miracles God has wrought in this old world
But the one I'll remember 'til my dyin' day
Is how he put that Church back on the narrow way
With a half crazed Mississippi squirrel
My Song (not about Amy)
Yeah, my taste in music and women drove my folks half wild.
Mom and Dad had a plan for me,
It was debutantes and er-symphonies,
But I like my music; I like my women wild.
Yeah, an' I like my women just a little on the trashy side,
When they wear their clothes too tight and their hair is dyed.
Too much lipstick an' er too much rouge,
Gets me excited, leaves me feeling confused.
An' I like my women just a little on the trashy side.
Shoulda seen the looks on the faces of my Dad and Mom,
When I showed up at the door with a date for the senior prom.
They said: "Well, pardon us son, she ain't no kid.
"That's a cocktail waitress in a Dolly Parton wig.
I said: "I know it dad, ain't she cool, that's the kind I dig."
Yeah, an' I like my women just a little on the trashy side,
When they wear their clothes too tight and their hair is dyed.
Too much lipstick an' er too much rouge,
Gets me excited, leaves me feeling confused.
An' I like my women just a little on the trashy side.
Instrumental break.
I like 'em sweet, I like 'em with a heart of gold.
Yeah an' I like 'em brassy, I like 'em brazen and bold.
Well, they say that opposites attract, well, I don't agree
I want a woman just as tacky as me.
Yeah, I like my women just a little on the trashy side.
Yeah, an' I like my women just a little on the trashy side,
When they wear their clothes too tight and their hair is dyed.
Too much lipstick an' er too much rouge,
Gets me excited, leaves me feeling confused.
An' I like my women just a little on the trashy side.
Yeah, I like my women an' I like 'em on the trashy side.
Monday, April 10, 2006
Tuesday, April 04, 2006
Monday, April 03, 2006
Bug Selecta
You can choose style, color, accesories, ride height for your VW in a flash game.
Thursday, March 30, 2006
Flames and Bugs

Monday, March 20, 2006
Diet of the Pros.
I Found this "diet" on the internet... enjoy.
1. For breakfast, just have cigarettes & coffee( no sugar, only sweeteners allowed)! The idea is that the cigarettes raise your metabolism and curb hunger, while the caffeine from the coffee also raises your metabolism and releases some of the fat molecules that was stored the night before.
2. Stock up on frozen entrees(only the lean kind under 300 calories) & mixed frozen veggies in a bag:carrots, peas, green beans and lima beans. Mix about 1 cup of veggies with the frozen entree and what you have is a satisfying, high fiber, low fat/calorie, filling meal under 350 calories! This is great for busy people since, all you need is a microwave.
3. Stock up on Dexatrim Max diet pills. I prefer to take 1 of these right before my workout ---This stuff really works. The rush and energy you get is amazing.
I've already lost 8 pounds and have just 7 more to go...Ultimately, my goal is to reach my original weight of 110----- cross your fingers! =)
Monday, March 06, 2006
Blah-gger dot com
Blah blah blah
hurt, pride, bitterness
La la la
Blah blah blah
Love, joy, forgiveness
A challege to act. A short summary with a witty statement hoping to incite comments.
Monday, February 27, 2006
Tuesday, February 21, 2006
I'm a tinkerer.

Your probably thinking "why would he want that?" well, one man's trash is another man's treasure, and I didn't say a word about your shot glass collection, or whatever other wierd tastes you have.......... so there.